Last week I reconnected with a colleague. We are both studying a Neuro-Linguistic Programming course with an academy in London and decided to join forces to practice some therapeutic techniques together and prepare for the next stage of training in October. She told me how her husband had started walking barefoot everywhere. Yes, as I say, EVERYWHERE! To the supermarket, to the park, to the pharmacy. (Of course, I am sure that both are taking preventive hygiene measures especially due to the current situation in the world with the pandemic).
What struck me the most was his commitment to the possible discomfort that can be encountered when walking barefoot. When I said this to my colleague, she made it clear to me that that was the point. All this walking without shoes, so vulnerable, so sensitive to the environment, is a reminder that sometimes life has comfortable parts and uncomfortable parts and everything is part of the way.
Being barefoot, being present in the comfortable moments of the way makes us appreciate them even more because we know that perhaps later we will find a puddle or perhaps small stones. In the same way, when we come across those uncomfortable sections of the road we will remember that the road is not always like this and that very soon we will meet those kinder sections again.
The truth is that I was super inspired by this conversation with my colleague. So much so that when I went to walk Alfonzo (my 10-month-old puppy) in the middle of a pasture near my house, I took off my shoes and started walking barefoot.
As long as he makes sure he doesn't step on any poop. I found a safe zone. I stopped and closed my eyes to feel the earth under my feet, the breeze, little bits of grass brushing against my toes and ankles.
A wave of gratitude washed over me. I took a deep breath of air and continued my way to the exit of the field completely barefoot. Upon encountering the sidewalk again, I decided to put on my shoes for my own safety and went home reflecting on my brief experience walking barefoot in that magical field.
In addition to feeling delicious, many studies have found that walking on the grass has many benefits.
A review published in the Journal of Environmental and Public Health highlighted how drawing electrons from the earth improves health.
Another study found that earthing changed the electrical activity in the brain, as measured by electroencephalograms. Still other research found that grounding benefitted skin conductivity, moderated heart rate variability, improved glucose regulation, reduced stress and supported immune function.
One particularly compelling investigation, published in The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, found that earthing increases the surface charge of red blood cells. As a result, the cells avoid clumping, which can decrease blood viscosity. High viscosity is a significant factor in heart disease, which is why so many people take blood thinning aspirin each day to improve their heart health. Another study in the same journal found that earthing may help regulate both the endocrine and nervous systems.
Other specific benefits include:
Boosts Your Nervous System
Walking barefoot on grass stimulates specific pressure points of the foot and this helps to stimulate our nerves and veins, thereby improving our nervous system. Pain caused by varicose veins, especially among diabetic patients, can be reduced if they regularly walk barefoot.
Supports Menstrual and Hormonal Issues
Imbalance of the hormones can lead to several mental and physical problems. Premenstrual syndrome in women can cause mood swings, stomach aches, headaches, gain in weight, constipation, acne and few other symptoms. Walking barefoot on grass can help ease many of these symptoms.
Improves Blood Pressure
Your stress level automatically comes down when you walk barefoot on grass as the nerves of the feet are stimulated, releasing stress. Since your stress comes down, your blood pressure also gets controlled.
Walking barefoot on grass not only strengthens your feet, ankles, cure chronic pains, inflammation, insomnia, improve the nervous system, eye-sight, immune system, controls blood pressure, hormonal imbalance but also improves your posture, relieve anxiety, stress, depression, protects your body from electromagnetic fields, slows down ageing and also helps in healing injuries faster.
Helps your mental health
Walking can also create physical and emotional rhythms. Unlike running, which can be rushed and high impact, walking is gentle, nourishing, and can give us space. We have an opportunity to emotionally connect and work through the day’s events. In addition, even a light stroll can release endorphins.
That's why I want to invite you to give yourself a few minutes today to give yourself to be barefoot. It can be on the grass, on your balcony, in your parking lot, in the living room of your house ... Give yourself a few minutes to connect with the ground, feel the present moment and say to your body "thank you body for existing", thank him your way and be grateful for the comfortable and uncomfortable moments.
Remember that you can find me on Instagram, Facebook and LinkedIn as Carla Carolina Watson. On my website you can find a link to schedule an exploration call with me and start your journey of personal and professional growth with me.
I send you a big hug wherever you are. Until next time!